January 18 2011

Emergency response in Colombia continues

18/01/2010 - After devastating floods and landslides, the emergency relief activities in Colombia are continued in Bello (Department of Antioquia), Riosucio (Department of Choco) and Tenerife (Department of Magdalena). Some 8,000 children from 2,100 families are supported through this aid programme.

The extreme winter rains in Colombia during 2010 have led to severe floods and several landslides in different areas of the country. This catastrophic situation was mainly originated due to a weather phenomenon called “La Niña”. As a consequence of this phenomenon, Colombia saw heavy downpours, strong winds, and extreme changes in the climate conditions in the whole country. In November 2010, Colombia was facing a really complex situation with an estimated 1.5 million people in 627 municipalities directly affected; 57% of the whole Colombian territory was affected.

In coordination with governmental and non-governmental institutions, SOS Children’s Villages Colombia made a thorough needs assessment in the affected zones. The support for the affected families includes food, sanitary supplies, health services and recreational activities. Long-term aim of this crisis intervention is to strengthen the capacities of the communities in coordination with other partners.