Children's Statistics

Worldwide, SOS Children’s Villages operates in 136 countries where we raise over 78,000 children and young people. Through our many education, family strengthening, medical, and community outreach programmes, SOS impacts the lives of around two million people every year.

Some Facts & Numbers

  • 151 million children have lost one or both parents (UNICEF, 2011)
  • 17.9 million children have lost both parents (UNICEF, 2011)
  • 3.5 million children have lost both parents due to AIDS (UNICEF, 2011)
  • Around 8 million children are in institutional care around the world (Save the Children, 2009; SRSG VAC, 2006)
  • UNICEF has also estimated more than 2 million children are estimated to be in institutional care facilities around the world
  • Only 12% of children in alternative care have no surviving parent (Save the Children, 2009)
  • In some countries, 70% of children in alternative care could be reintegrated with adequate family strengthening (statistics are taken from a compilation of information from car for me campaign country assessment in more than 25 countries worldwide).